christianwillerth Instructor

  • Huntington Beach, California

I am originally from Huntington Beach California, but now temporarily live in the Bay Area for school. I love to surf, skateboard, dive, go camping and fish. I love everything about the ocean, and am always trying to share this passion with others.

Registered Events


Apr 19, 2020
Nov 02, 2019
May 28, 2016

Question & Answer

  • When did you join MOF?
  • Why did you join Mauli Ola's mission?
    Surfing is one of my biggest passions, and I believe sharing this passion with kids with such a devastating disease is a great way to give back to my community.
  • Skills or talents that could be beneficial to MOF during an event (ex. CPR cirtified, former surf instructor, lifeguard, experienced waterman)
    CPR cerified (expires soon, but can renew), former surf instructor, junior lifeguard, plenty of ocean experience
  • What are your hobbies?
    Surfing, Camping, skateboarding, live concerts
  • What is your favorite surf spot or beach?
    Huntington Beach River Jetties