Servin up stoke sandwiches in the mountains ??

Noelanitsunami Volunteer

  • Venice, Ca

I'm a stunt woman and model currently based in SoCal, raised playng barefoot in the mountains in Utah and beaches of Maui. I love my family and friends, who are in turn family! ??

I have a bachelors degree in EMS rescue and Education from the university of Utah, where I worked as a medic in the ER, Neurosurgery, and interned as a helicopter in-flight medic.

I've worked with children in a variety of arenas for 15 years, including as a pre-school teacher, mentor, and health care provider.

I'm a PR/media specialist as well as a TV host/personality. I'd love to help as an ambassador/advocate in any way that is needed! :)

Action sports are my love, the ocean and mountains are my home, and I never stay anywhere for too long. Service and sharing the stoke is where is at!! Traveling and trying everything is my life path. The world is your oyster! Grab it by the Pearls!!! ??

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Question & Answer

  • When did you join MOF?
  • Why did you join Mauli Ola's mission?
    Sometimes the biggest issue to doing something for the first time is just not knowing where to start. Surfing and board sports are a huge part of who I am. From the sea to the mountains, outside is what's up! Spread the stoke!
  • Skills or talents that could be beneficial to MOF during an event (ex. CPR certified, former surf instructor, lifeguard, experienced waterman)
    Advanced EMT, media/PR director, tv host/personality, professional athlete Liason for intl action sports film fest, waterman great with children
  • What are your hobbies?
    Surf, skate, snow, rock climb, stunt drive, off roading, painting, working with children, writing, training for my job (stunts, I love it!), design, traveling!
  • What is your favorite surf spot or beach?
    West Maui