Melissa Beaudry
Melissa Beaudry, 14 years old started playing hockey at age 7. She played on boys teams every year until this year. She decided to play on an all-girls team for the first time. She was given the privilege of being the Blue Herron Flyer�s assistance captain and is having a great season on and off the ice. Through this experience, she has made many new friends and has recently been offered an opportunity of a lifetime. She was selected by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) to play for one of two Team Canada teams at the 2017 IIHF Global Girl�s Game in Toronto on the weekend of the 18th and 19th of February. Suffering from Cystic Fibrosis, Melissa works through every day and is a true inspiration to many. She certainly had a big impact on many at the IIHF game. She was chosen to carry the Canadian Flag at the opening ceremonies for Team Canada White. She also assisted the one and only goal for Team White as team Blue won 3-1.
When one feels under the weather, they only need to think of what Melissa has accomplished and continues to accomplish regardless of her suffering with this crazy disease of Cystic Fibrosis. Going though everyday things, doing well in school, playing basketball for her School Team, playing hockey, being top scorer of her team this year and now she can say that she was a member of Team Canada at the 2017 International Ice Hockey Federation Global Girl�s Game. Great job Melissa. We are all very proud of you
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