I was born in Paris, France and was diagnosed with CF when only a few days old. When my family and I moved to California, and my parents learned that the ocean can do wonders for the lungs, they immediately tried to get me to enjoy the waves. I was absolutely terrified of the water, but after many years of careful persuading, and, I admit, many emotionally rocky episodes, I began to love the ocean like I never loved a non-living object before. When I was 8, my parents learned of Mauli Ola and immediately tried to get me into surfing. Fast forward a few years, and now I've joined my high school's surf team (though mostly because the requirements for girls are decidedly less than that for boys, simply because there are quite a few more boys than girls interested in the sport. Sad, really.). I'm currently trying to juggle my disease, homework, and all of the extracurriculars that I love doing. I hope to keep riding the waves for many years to come!