My name is Jack O'Steen, I am writing for my 8 year old daughter Angelina. She was born with Cystic Fibrosis and has been fighting since the day she was born. When she was born she was immediately rushed into surgery for a blockage in her intestine due to the access of sticky mucus caused by CF. since then she has continued to move mountains and defy all odds. She can out run most of the kids and never gives up! She recently had a horrible week long stay in Childrens hospital with another intestinal blockage. It was one of the worst visits we had experienced. She was released saturday afternoon and playing in a lacrosse tournament sunday morning which she scored 4 goals, one was the game winner right before the game ended. She has inspired a community with her constant positivity even though she goes thru hell. I heard about this program from my friends Duke and Valerie Aipa in Huntington beach, California and immediately looked into it. They say surfing is amazing for kids with Cystic Fibrosis physically but i think the experience would be worth much more. She has never surfed but I would love for her to be able to join your event and give it a try and just experience it. Thank you for your time.
Jack O'Steen
Jacksonville, FL