Trying to take a selfie

Chrisowens Instructor

  • Orlando, Fl

My name is christian owens, I was born in the Florida keys and grew up on the water. I have been a part of scuba, sailing, surfing and fishimg clubs my whole life and want nothing more than to teach kids how important our ocean is. When I turned 16 i started working on a dive boat in the keys as a mate and eventually made my way to dive master and first mate. I left the keys to start school for astro dynamics. Im currently in my second semester and loving every minute of it!!

Registered Events


Jul 09, 2017

Question & Answer

  • When did you join MOF?
  • Why did you join Mauli Ola's mission?
    To help kids learn the most beautiful thing in nature
  • Skills or talents that could be beneficial to MOF during an event (ex. CPR cirtified, former surf instructor, lifeguard, experienced waterman)
    Im a certified dive master along with emergancy first responce infant care cpr and defib
  • What are your hobbies?
    Surfing, shaping, going to school for physics
  • What is your favorite surf spot or beach?
    San ono and Malibu first point