My Name is Tami Lea (Dixon) aka Rock Hard Lady � I am reaching out to you at the Mauli Ola Foundation (MOF) as I have Cystic Fibrosis & I have been trying to get my Family to move to the islands for over 20 years � I am Blessed the 2 Mutations I have (R347P & R75Q ) as I was growing they did not know what was wrong with me & blamed it on allergies i was allergic to everything EVEN THE AIR as they did not have testing when I was a baby & my mutations were mild getting more aggressive & in 2014 I was diagnosed with this Rare & horrible disease. Along with Cystic Fibrosis I also have Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency MZ .
When they diagnosed me with everything they called me a Gross Freak of Nature as I am so very Ill but so Healthy! I am really alive today because of my years in health & fitness along with Diet, Nutrition & Exercise!!!
All said I am again working on getting my Children & Grandchildren to move to the Islands with me!!! I know I BREATHE Better & my Drs have all told me I would do WAY better & gave me a Prescription for 1 island with Fresh water & clean air !!! The AIR here is killing me !!!
So as you know I have a terminal disease & my days are spent coughing TONS of Sludge doing Breathing treatments etc� However after I get clear I have a few hours that are good everyday & I know on the Islands those hours feeling good will be far more everyday & I know with better FRESH SEA AIR I will BREATHE BETTER & FEEL BETTER .
I know I have a lot I can offer you, your program & science and I would love to have an opportunity to share with you & others on how Quality of Life difference from the desert to the Island. I love to Travel & I would Travel with you this year for the Surf Tour.!!!
Please call me at 702 286 6499 to discuss as to how we could work together !!!
Thank you for your time & one last note ***** Not only do I have 2 of the 5 rarest Fatal Diseases in the World both my youngest Son & His first Child almost died from Kawasaki Disease which is another very rare disease that many children die from as it does not get properly diagnosed !!! I would love to know if you have any research on this disease as well !
Blue Skies & Sunshine
Tami Dixon
Cystic Fibrosis #Survivor !!!
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