Ava Claire is 6 years old. Ava Claire is a very smart and hard working little girl who is brave and kind and who brings joy to many who cross her path. Ava Claire was born with Cystic Fibrosis and and has always taken countless meds every day including lots of daily pills, multiple nebulizer treatments every day, vest therapy treatments. Ava Claire spends a good amount of time taking care of herself so when she has free time we try to make it count. Ava Claire recently got a feeding tube 1.5 yrs ago and it has helped tremendously but she still struggles with the acceptance of having it at times. Ava Claire has been in the hospital for her CF multiple times but last time we were able to do most of her iv treatments at home. This time last year she was performing in her dance recital with a PICC line in her arm which we were able to coverup with special leotards. Thank you for this opportunity.
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