My name is Cedrine, I'm 21 years old, I'm french but almost fluent in english because I had the chance to live in Miami for a year with my family back in 2012.
I've been surfing for 4 years, I surfed in the french carribean island named Guadeloupe, in the south of France and of course the famous Biarritz spot on the west coast of france, even thought I like Hendaye better, which is right next to it, but less competitive.
I'm a professional BMX freestyle rider, I have the chance to represent WATTS Beyond Clothing, and HitchUk. I travel the world for contests.
I love animals and because of family problems I wasn't able to study to become a veterinarian back in France, so decided to come back to the USA to make my dream come true. I just moved here a week and a half ago, but I've been looking forward to this event for a while.
I discovered your foundation one night when I couldn't sleep and I wanted to watch a surf movie. I didn't know what your movie was going to be about, and honestly I thought it would be cool surfing clips, and aerials and crazy tricks on really cool lost spot. But what I discovered was way better. It helped me discover this illness I didn't really know about, and I really felt concerned and willing to help. When I looked your foundation up and saw you had a tour coming up and that you were going to stop in Florida, I sent you a message on facebook to ask you how to apply. I sent a request 2 months but I don't think it made it through. I had to create another account because the old one was not working. I am really motivated, full of energy, and ready to help and make this day be "fantastique".
Please had me to the crew and you will not regret it !
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