Me and Bob tandern on a 200ft (concrete) log

scholarlyrisktaker Instructor

  • Garden Grove, CA

I'm a third-year neurobio undergrad student in UCI. I love surfing and the ocean because they changed my life. I would love to spread that love and give back to the society.

Registered Events


May 11, 2019

Question & Answer

  • When did you join MOF?
  • Why did you join Mauli Ola's mission?
    I love the ocean and I love to share the fun with others in the water
  • Skills or talents that could be beneficial to MOF during an event (ex. CPR cirtified, former surf instructor, lifeguard, experienced waterman)
    CPR ceritfied, former surf assisting instructor for OCC Surf Class, experienced waterman. Once found a surf club in OCC. Good with basic accounting and promoting skills. Leadership, social and friendly with kids.
  • What are your hobbies?
    Surfing, Snowboarding, Teaching surfing, pingpong
  • What is your favorite surf spot or beach?
    Summer day...Probably Trestle and San O, but for the winter, Newport is the go-to place, especially around 20th to 36th st.