North Shore Surf Experience with April

JamesJDonnelly Instructor

James Donnelly has been Hospitality and Development Manager of Make-A-Wish� Hawaii since 2013, coordinating the organization�s external events and serving as one of the �faces� of the chapter at presentations to community organizations and businesses.
Previously running several successful surf businesses throughout Honolulu, James shared his compassion and commitment to children as a volunteer wish granter with the organization for 15 years before joining the organization in the capacity of Hospitality and Development Manager.
After graduating from Eckerd College in Florida with a degree in business, James lived in Japan
for two years where he studied Japanese. He and his wife, Emiko, currently reside with their two
children in Honolulu.

Registered Events


May 04, 2019
Dec 01, 2018
Apr 28, 2018
Dec 02, 2017
May 06, 2017
Dec 03, 2016
Dec 05, 2015

Question & Answer

  • When did you join MOF?
  • Why did you join Mauli Ola's mission?
    I enjoy helping kids experience the thrill of surfing
  • Skills or talents that could be beneficial to MOF during an event (ex. CPR cirtified, former surf instructor, lifeguard, experienced waterman)
    CPR & Life Guard Certs, Surf instructor for more than 10 years, surfer for more than 30 years, lived in Hawaii for more than 20 years.
  • What are your hobbies?
    Surfing, volunteering
  • What is your favorite surf spot or beach?
    Laniakea, Kaisers, Pops